Special Marine Areas



Newfoundland &



The ocean surrounding Newfoundland and Labrador is rich in marine ecosystems that support marine life from the largest whales to the tiniest plankton, upon which generations of people and a cherished way of life has depended on. Our province boasts the Grand Banks, with some of the most important and productive marine ecosystem in the world. We are also known as the ‘Seabird Crossroads of the World’, hosting millions of migratory seabirds every year. We also have a burgeoning eco-tourism industry, centered partly around whale and bird watching experiences. Newfoundland and Labrador has a real chance to be ocean conservation leaders.

However, the continued declines in ocean health, including local fish populations, demonstrate that existing conservation measures are not enough to ensure the long-term survival of species and ecosystems upon which our coastal communities depend, especially in the face of a variety of human activities.

The Special Marine Areas Data Hub highlights the plethora of marine species, habitats, ocean users, and interactions between them in Newfoundland and Labrador. An extension of the Special Marine Areas Guide, this project is intended to encourage open data and information sharing, for uses in MSP, conservation, and public education.

interactive map

The Interactive Map is a user friendly mapping tool that allows users to view spatial data, toggle layers, and overlay datasets to identify interactions.

data hub

The data hub is an expanding database of Newfoundland and Labrador marine data. The collection holds material from sources including Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Memorial University MUN.

special marine areas guide

The SMA Guide describes 140 special and unique marine areas that include coastal sites, coral beds, bird colonies, fish spawning grounds, and migratory routes.

Created with support from


fisheries and oceans canada

The atlantic salmon conservation foundation

Canadian parks and wilderness Society